Julian Smith is a producer of his own series of JulianSmith TV. He makes short stories who are basically rubbish. Yet the most funniest rubbish I’ve ever seen. He shows that not everything has to be so heavy loaded concerning the topic.

I like the way he tells and shows certain stories. His movie “Malk” is a good example about being heavy loaded. It’s about pronouncing a word wrong. An entire discussion about a wrong pronunciation. If this is a reference to all the “grammer nazi” on the internet, who knows. But it’s the way the story dramatically ends about something entirely else!


His movie “wifi” is a little but more of an social pressured topic. It’s about people being addicted to their internet, but what happens if the internet dies? Thing is that, the movie might be a little bit silly, there is a truth in his point about people being addicted to the internet.

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